Izwi LaBasebenzi

Former Marxist Paper of the Workers & Socialist Party

Our publication has been renamed uManyano lwaBasebenzi.

Previous Issues


2018 – Issue No.2 – FULL ISSUE

By page



Page 3 – NEWS – Cheryl Zondi (Them & Us)

Page 4 – NEWS – Ramaphosa’s Stimulus Package

Page 5 – FEATURE – Eyewitness in Israel

Page 6 – WORKPLACE – Constitutional Court & Labour Broking

Page 7 – WORKPLACE – South Point Struggle

Pages 8-9 – FEATURE – The EFF at 5 years

Page 10 – ENVIRONMENT – UN Climate Report

Page 11 – REVIEW – Underground Hip Hop

Page 12 – ANNIVERSARY – France 1968

Page 13 – AFRICA – Zimbabwe

Page 14 – THEORY – What is China’s Role in Africa

Page 15 – PARTY NEWS

Page 16 – BACK COVER


2018 – Issue No.1 – FULL ISSUE

By page


Page 2 – EDITORIAL – Way Forward on NMW & LRA

Page 3 – NEWS – Midrand Workers (Interview) (Them & Us)

Page 4 – STRUGGLE – #OMF and EPWP

Page 5 – WORKPLACE – Q&A Minimum Wage

PAGES 6-7 – PERSPECTIVES – The Ramaphosa Presidency

Pages 8-9 – FEATURE – Land Expropriation

Page 10 – OBITUARY – Winnie Mandela

Page 11 – FEATURE – The Workers Party We Need

Pages 12-13 – THRORY – Marx at 200

Page 14 – INTERNATIONAL – Gaza

Page 15 – PARTY NEWS – Cape Town branch

Page 16 – BACK COVER

2017 – Issue No. 2 (August 2017 – March 2018)


2017 – Issue No. 2 FULL

By page


Page 2 – EDITORIAL – EFF & workers party

Page 3 – NEWS – Violence Against Women (Them & Us)

Pages 4-5 – WORKPLACE – #OMF

PAGES 6-7 – PERSPECTIVES – Crisis in the Mining Industry

Pages 8-9 – YOUTH – Free Education & Heher Report

Page 10 – AFRICA – Zimbabwe Coup

Page 11 – HISTORY – Smuggling Revolutionary Marxist Literature into Apartheid SA

Pages 12-13 – THRORY – Are the Coloureds Marginalised

Page 14 – INTERNATIONAL – Venezuela – has socialism failed

Page 15 – PARTY NEWS – GIWUSA Congress

Page 16 – BACK COVER

2017 – Issue No. 1 (February-July)


2017 – Issue No.1 FULL

By page



Page 3 – NEWS – Absa’s apartheid debt

Page 4 – WORKPLACE – Building #OMF Joburg

Page 5 – WORKPLACE – Saftu launch

Pages 6 & 7 – WORKPLACE – Minimum wage

Pages 8 & 9 – YOUTH – #FeesMustFall

Pages 10 & 11 – PERSPECTIVES – ANC Succession Battle

Page 12 – HISTORY – Russian Revolution centenary

Page 13 – COMMUNITY – Anti-xenophobia campaign

Page 14 – INTERNATIONAL – Election of Trump

Page 15 – PARTY NEWS

Page 16 – BACK COVER

 2016 – Issue No. 2 (October 2016 – January 2017)


Issue 2 – 2016 FULL

By page

Page 1 – front cover

Page 2 – editorial

Page-3 – Caster Semenya

Page 4 – #OMF reports

Page-5 – Communities

Pages 6-7 – ANC crisis

Pages 8-9 – Struggle for free education

Pages10-11 – Zimbabwe

Pages12-13 – Nationalism vs. Marxism

Page 14 – UK: Corbyn re-election

Page 15 – party news

Page 16 – back cover

 2016 – Issue No. 1 (May-Sept)

Page 1 - front page (square)


Issue 1 – 2016 FULL

By page

Page 1 – front cover

Pages 2-3 – Editorial

Pages 4-5 – Has the Numsa Moment Passed?

Pages 6-7 – The Lessons of #FeesMustFall

Pages 8-9 – Lessons of #OutsourcingMustFall

Page 10 – #OMF & role of Nehawu & others

Page 11 – Panama Papers

Pages 12-13 – Intersectionality

Page 14 – Sanders & USA

Page 15 – CWI World Congress

Page 16 – back cover

2015 – Issue No. 1

Page 1 - front page (square)


Page 1 – front page

Page 2 – Editorial

Page 3 – Civic work

Page 4 – University Struggle

Page 5 – Xolobeni & Free Education

Pages 6 & 7 – Steel & Mining Jobs Crisis

Page 8 – International

Page 9 – 1905

Page 10 – Freedom Charter

Page 11 – Liv Shange tribute

Page 12 – Party news

2014 – Issue No. 1

Page 1 - front page (square)


Page 1 – Front Page

Page 2 – Special Editorial

Page 3 – Editorial

Page 4 – Mine & Metal strikes

Page 5 – The EFF

Page 6 – Gaza & Street Traders

Page 7 – CWI 40 Anniversary

Page 8 & 9 – NUMSA & Workers Party

 Page 10 – Community & Youth Struggle

Page 11 – Party News

Page 12 – Nationalisation Q&A

Page 13 – Zulu – Nationalisation Q&A

Page 14 – Zulu – The EFF

Page 15 – Zulu – Special Editorial

Page 16 – Zulu – Front Page

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Democratic Socialist Movement

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