March against police brutality, xenophobia and racism on March 17


On January 17, Nigerian national Theddaus Duru was tortured unconscious and abducted by police in Benoni. That was the last anyone saw of him.
It is high time to stand up against police killings, torture, intimidation and harassment – for all residents of SA, whether born here or not!
Close to 1000 people die at the hands of the police every year in SA. Hundreds are raped, thousands report beatings, torture etc. Protesters are routinely shot and killed.
Black immigrants and refugees are particularly vulnerable – daily subjected to threats of arrest, deportation, extortion of bribes and xenophobic and racist harassment.
Government and the capitalist system are fueling xenophobia by treating black refugees and immigrants as criminals, by denying us all equal rights to housing, work and other basic needs and then exploiting the vulnerability they create for super-exploitation, abuse and extortion. Our response is to demand equal rights for all. There is enough wealth to provide for all – if only we as the working class take control of it!

The Workers and Socialist Party (WASP), the Nigerian Union of South Africa (NUSA), the Zimbabwe Youth Wing, the United Nigerian Wives of SA (UNWISA), the Socialist Youth Movement (SYM and the African Traders Organisation (ATO) is organising a protest march to the Ministers of Police and Home Affairs on Monday March 17 – join us!

Tshwane assembly is 12h00 at Pretoria Train Station

Johannesburg assembly is 9h00 at Park Station (Joubert/ Plein Street entrance)

For further information, please contact WASP on 081 393 1914 or 079 556 8179.